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Stephanie - January 2015

Stephanie, with her new car!

God delights in Stephanie and we were fortunate to be a part of her rescue. We’re grateful she allowed us to film her as she shared some of her history and heart with us. Here a few of her words.

“I was in a real battle for my life many times and Marsha would pray with me. “Stephanie come here” and she would wrap her arms around me and pray with me. And through that, I learned how to pray. I learned how to pray for real – not to this person who didn’t make me but to the Person who made me and that loved me. That was the best thing Watered Gardens ever gave me, was being taught how to pray, how to fight in this war that I’m in.”

Donor support helped us provide Stephanie and her family food, clothing and many basic needs. But what an encouragement to be remembered for leading her closer to God.