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Angela - May 2021

Angela and her two boys moved into our Washington Family Hope Center after spending the previous 6 months moving in and out of friends’ and family members’ homes, never being able to stay any place for very long because of her drug addiction. Angela has battled that drug addiction since she was 14 years old. She came here to break that cycle of addiction and to give her boys the stability that they have been lacking.

“The biggest difference in being at Washington Family is I don’t have to do it alone. The spiritual covering I am under is phenomenal, and being under people who are consistently praying for me is a huge thing.”

Angela has been clean from drugs for more than ten months now, been employed for more than eight, and just this month, has moved herself and the boys into independent housing. She said they told her, “Mom, wouldn’t it be really cool if we could come back here and serve.” Isn’t that awesome?

Your support is not only a part of changing the trajectory of Angela’s life, but the lives of her two young boys. Thank you!

James Whitford

Co-Founder and Executive Director