I wasn’t a very good baseball player. I was usually among the last of kids to be chosen for a team in a friendly neighborhood game. I remember my hopefulness, though, and the excitement when someone chose me. Reflecting, it wasn’t so much that I wanted to play or even that I wanted to be accepted as much as it was that I wanted to contribute. I wanted to be a part of something bigger than me and to contribute something of value, something meaningful and to be a part of the win. I believe we’re designed that way. Without an outlet to contribute meaningfully, people sink into depression. This is why work is vital for every person. On the inside, work feels good and work does good. Damien’s interview tells it all:
“I’d been in shelters before on the east coast, but I’d never seen a setup like this where you get to earn what you need. It made me feel like I was worth something. I enjoyed doing something instead of just sitting idle. In fact, I still do. I have a place I’m renting [now], and I come to the Worth Shop to earn what I need to furnish my house and fill my closet. Sometimes I even come just to help out whether I have a need or not.”
Effective charity that awakens the “worth” Damien mentioned requires we see people as more than mere recipients, but contributors. I hope you’re blessed to know your support was a part of restoring dignity to someone. Thank you for the win!
James Whitford
Co-Founder and Executive Director
Copyright © 2025 Watered Gardens