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Heather Weiman - September 2022

I’ve been researching different approaches to address homelessness. According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Housing First is a government-backed approach to quickly connect people experiencing homelessness to permanent housing “without preconditions such as sobriety, treatment or service participation requirements.” It’s no wonder this particular approach has proven to be a failure in many ways. Only under a structured environment with accountability and love can a person’s chaotic life take a turn for the good. That’s one of the reasons I’m so thankful for Washington Family Hope Center. So is Heather.

“This place has saved me in so many ways—You don’t even know. I’m not good on my own yet. I need structure and have been learning so much. Being able to stay gives us the time we need to make a real change. And our time here already has really helped my walk with God. I feel like the morning devotions and church services have been talking right to me.”

Heather went on to tell us how thankful she is for her care coordinator who sets goals with her, her instructor who teaches the Love and Logic parenting class, and even the “no technology” rule in the dining hall has helped her connect more with her son, Kayden. Thank you so much for supporting the ministries of Watered Gardens. Your support helped provide Heather and many others much more than shelter and food, but new opportunities to turn life around… for the good.

James Whitford

Co-Founder & Executive Director