I’ve been passing by billboards that read, “Life Hurts. That’s why there’s CBD.” Seen them? CBD is the abbreviation for cannabidiol, an oil extract from marijuana. It doesn’t get people high, but it’s touted as a cure-all for most pain and suffering. Regardless whether it has real benefit or not, the sign always reminds me of our great tendency to turn to man-made remedies before we turn to God. Life does hurt and over the years, I’ve learned the emotional pain is far more difficult to manage than the physical. There, too, many people turn to man-made remedies to fill the gaping wound of an injured heart only to find years later the wound unhealed. I wish you could meet Phillip. He’s a man who lost everything when life “spun out of control” and today is working hard to get his life and family on the right track. He filled his heart with Jesus and his wounds were healed.
“A few years ago, while working in construction, I was prescribed pain pills, the abuse of which ruined my family. When things spun out of control, I went from having a nice roof over my family’s heads and providing for my kids to landing in jail for 11 months. By the time I was released, I had lost my wife, my house, my car, and almost everything else.
I heard about Watered Gardens and moved from Kansas City to get here. Within two days, I found a job in town and started saving up.
I appreciate the program here. I’m getting my feet back under me. It’s been a reality check and keeps me focused on what I need to be doing. When I’m done here, I want to educate kids about what drugs will do to you so they don’t end up in jail like I did.”
Today, Phillip is a kind and thoughtful man with a calling to steer youth clear of drugs. Thank you for your continued support. Life does hurt, and your support of this mission extends a healing balm to the brokenhearted.
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