You’ll soon begin to hear about our new public awareness campaign, #knowme. Building real relationships is core to who we are as a ministry and that means our staff and volunteers are intentional about getting to know people. When we meet someone like Randy, whose history is riddled with addiction, prison, failed relationships, and health problems, it's clear that getting to know him is the only way we can really help him. These newfound relationships are providing compassionate accountability, inspiring him to greater things.
“I’ve had a long, hard journey, but a lot of good has come out of the bad, and I’m thankful for that. I’ve learned that, no matter what you do in life, there are rules. It’s been hard to let go and accept the structure here, but I’ve benefited from it a lot. It’s given me a pattern—good goals and incentives. It’s helped me maintain sobriety and get back to a place where I can now support myself.”
First Samuel 2:6 shares God's desire to "raise the poor from the dust and lift the beggar from the ash heap, to set them among princes and make them inherit the throne of glory." He's doing that for Randy, and I hope you're blessed to be a part of it. There are many ways to serve God, but few bless Him more than taking time to get to know someone. To understand more about how that can be the start of helping someone up from the ashes of a burnt life to be crowned with glory, visit
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