Recently, I came across a passage in Lamentations chapter 3 in which the weeping prophet admits a deep depression, “I continually think about my impoverished and homeless condition, which is a bitter poison.” Of course, I thought of so many we meet who are homeless and poor for whom the taste of life is also a bitter poison. And although the prophet was able to lift himself from this despair by recalling the goodness and faithfulness of God, many I know have not tasted that better life. Rick was one of those who could recall nothing good to hold on to. He needed a rescue.
“I had been unemployed for over a year. I hadn’t paid rent in three months and was intoxicated every waking hour. I was nearing the end of my rope and was resigned to becoming a statistic.
God placed people in my path that led me to Watered Gardens and their Forge program, and they helped me develop a fulfilling relationship with God. By his grace I’ve been renewed and gotten past the shame and guilt for a life misspent.
I’m now working forty hours a week, have a place to live and I’m also more involved with my church and my family, and I now look forward to tomorrow. I realize now that when I didn’t know God, He knew me. He used this ministry to change my life, and I’m truly thankful.”
Thank you for your continued support. You played a part in Rick’s rescue from addiction and despair! He has tasted and seen the goodness of God in His life and it’s been transforming. Like the writer of Lamentations, he’ll always have this to recall, “The Lord is my portion, therefore I will put my hope in Him.”
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