Of recent, the word perseverance has come up often. Whether it’s persevering through yet another wave of Covid or another day of helping people who are despairing, it’s a virtue we’re learning well at Watered Gardens. Perseverance is a sign of hope, and we’re taught in Romans 5 that consistent perseverance through affliction produces hope.
Unfortunately, for some the affliction seems too great. One year ago this month, a young man gave up persevering and took his life just outside our mission. This somber anniversary is countered by others like Saralinn who admitted she was, at one time, also “hopeless and suicidal.” Thankfully, she persevered and today she is full of hope for a brighter future—for good reason. Here’s her response when we asked her about the impact Watered Gardens had on her life:
“This place is a God-send. Without it, I wouldn’t have made it this far. Even after I relapsed, they forgave and took me back, but they’ve also given me lots of tough love. Jocelyn, the women’s shelter director, has pushed me to want to be better—and not just me. This place is for anyone who wants to work hard and recover.”
Once homeless and on the streets, today, Saralinn is full-time employed, and she’s been clean for 6 months. “I’m not addicted and I’m not hopeless,” she said. Thank you for your continued support. Perseverance and hope won and you were a part of it.
James Whitford,
Co-Founder and Executive Director
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