Relief, rehabilitation, and development are three categories of help we practice at the mission. An example of relief is providing shelter for someone on a cold night. Rehabilitation may be helping a person get back in the workforce. Development could look like establishing new relationships, building a person’s social capital. Correctly categorizing the type of help someone needs is an important part of effective charity work, but the distinctions fail to describe the array of stresses a person experiences when life seems to be caving in. To that person, our help may feel more like a rescue than a form of charity.
Terri understands this. After her adult son died, she took custody of her granddaughter, suffered financial loss, and couldn’t get the help she needed from her ailing family. It was all caving in. Through the ministry of Washington Family Hope Center, God rescued.
“I’d just like to say, ‘Thank you’. We had nowhere to go. I’m not sure what else we could have done. Staying at Washington Family Hope Center allowed me to get my finances in order and begin recovering my credit. It was truly a safety net that kept us from falling and put us back on solid ground.”
I love Psalm 18 verse 19: He brought me out to a spacious place; He rescued me because He delighted in me. After eight months at Washington Family, Terri and her granddaughter, Ashlyn, are now in an apartment with new friends, greater stability, and hope for the future. God delights in them!Your support has provided relief, rehabilitation, development, and for some, a rescue. Thank you.
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