
Washington Family
Hope Center

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Washington Family Hope Center

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.” - Proverbs 13:12


Washington Family Hope Center (WFHC) is truly a dream fulfilled and a tree of life for the families we serve. In the past, we could shelter mothers who became homeless, but not their children. Now, we can keep families together as they get back on their feet.

The center currently includes:

  • Six family units with 30 beds total on the first floor, and another 9 family units with up to 45 beds total on the second floor.
  • Commercial kitchen, dining room, learning center, and laundry facility
  • Childcare center with a nursery and a playground

Plans and work are underway for renovating the grounds around the center. We have an entire city block that will be developed into a beautiful and practical space with an outdoor playground, outdoor dining area, a walking track, and more.

Thanks for continuing to pray and partner with us to bring hope to hurting families.

Video Tour

Do you need a look around?

Watch former Washington Family Hope Center Director Matt Ingle explain our facilities and interview a recipient of our services.